our vision
All over the world, up-and-coming visionaries with an eye for design and a passion for clothing are creating new products and experimenting with new styles, each with a unique inspiration from their local area.
Our vision is to reimagine the way in which these small businesses are discovered by customers. For us, home is Hawaii and Japan — and our mission is to introduce exciting new products we discover to markets across the globe.
The Edo Journal hopes to help catapult brands into the international spotlight by utilizing individualized strategies, the latest technology, market trend analysis, and specialist insight.
Contact us below to stay up to date on new products, or to work together to take your brand to the next level.
The Edo Journal は、個別化された戦略、最新のテクノロジー、市場トレンド分析、専門家の洞察を活用して、ブランドを国際的なスポットライトに押し上げる手助けをすることを願っています。